Sunday, April 26, 2009

And that's a 1st down!!!

The evening of Thursday April 23rd we made our way over to our dear friends, Nate & Paige's house for dinner and to watch Dave Ramsey's Town Hall for Hope. Jason and I used this as our semi-official "kickoff" for our debt elimination. It was a lot of fun and some good laughs, Dave has some good philosophies on money, in my humble opinion. So now we have been kicked off and sent home to do it on our own. Speaking of doing it on our own:

We received our tax return sometime late Thursday/early Friday and with that......drumroll please.......I said drumroll please...........we paid off the first of three credit cards!!! WOO HOO!!!
We will also be able to make a large payment on the second card. I decided kids are great for tax returns. ;)

We have started work on the house. We are trying to figure out how we are going to fix the deck and put a new roof on, it's not really in the budget, but has to be done in order for the house to sell. We are very excited to have the first of many hurdles down and are optimistic that the others will continue to be tackled as we work toward our goals. We leave you with a quote from Anika's all time favorite movie (I know all my peeps will know what it's from ;) ): "In the immortal words of The Doors "The time to hesitate is through."

1 comment:

  1. Whoohooo!!! That's fantastic! Congratulations!!!

    Keep it up! "Just keep swimming swimming swimming, just keep swimming! " :-)

    Love you

