Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Plans without change might not be true plans......

Change.......some of us like it, some of us don't. The Swensen family is divided on this change, but it will probably make for a smoother transition and changes the timeline for everything. We had our garage sale and it went well, but we will be having another later this Summer as we get very serious about moving stuff out of the house. Something else that changed this weekend was the early stages of our ultimate plan. Instead of selling the house and moving into an apartment we will be staying in the house until our debt is paid off and will then sell and move to our destination. So while this does prolong the amount of time it will take us to pay off our debt, it shortens the time until we move. There are pro's and con's to both plans of course, but I think ultimately this one will work better in being a compromise of what Jason and Anika both want.

There is still a lot of discussing about our individual plans and dreams and then what they are collectively. We are planning a night to get a babysitter and go our seperate ways to really think about what our plans and dreams are, really, really think about them and write them down. After that night we will come together with our dream sheets and look them over, see where they overlap and go from there. We think this will help take some of the frustration out of the decision making and help us feel more settled that we are on the same page, since lately it seems like our thoughts might be going in opposite directions. One thing we do know that we both agree on is that wherever we decide to move is where we will be until Akina and all future children are graduated, so it needs to be a place that we like and meets all criteria.

Peace out!

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